What happens when you take Happy Hormones?

What happens when you take Happy Hormones?

The first thing you should notice while on HH is a sense of calm. The number one symptom women who are on Happy Hormones report is improved moods.

The reason for this improvement is largely from the herb Passionflower. It's a great nervous system tonic and calms the stress response & cortisol, which fuel many hormonal issues.

This should lead to improved sleep. It does happen for all women - especially if sleep issues are chronic. But in time, HH helps a lot with sleep. This effect was intended, as a good sleep is important for endocrine health and hormonal balance.

You should also notice some changes in the regularity of your digestion in the first few weeks, and again this effect is intentional since we need to start to clear the hormone metabolites from the digestive system. For women with digestive weakness, this may manifest in some bloating, and even wind, but it's just an adjustment process.

For about 20% of women, you will also experience some detox reactions like headaches and fatigue. This can be minimised with the Liva Detox - but it's a good thing for your body, regardless; and clears in most cases by the second to third week.

Morlife Liva DetoxThe good news is that once this happens, your health improves in many areas. Your first period generally gets a little better, but don't expect great things yet. For your second period, noticeable improvement; and by the third period, don't be surprised if it catches you unawares!

For menopausal women, the average length of time for improvement in symptoms is 1 month. It can be more and it can be less, depending on how well your adrenals cope with producing the necessary hormones.

After about 6 weeks, most women will feel the change in energy levels as well, depending on whether you have excluded thyroid issues, B12 and iron deficiency, as well as a post-viral syndrome.

For women with PCOS, endometriosis and PMDD the process is longer - over 6 to 12 months - largely because we are dealing with tissue changes that need to occur; but you will still feel an improvement in the first month.

For these conditions, following the 8-Week Program is really non-negotiable, if you want to get full recovery & improvement. It's so important since you have a fundamental issue metabolising hormones in the liver; and the liver doesn't need to deal with any more dietary chemicals.

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If you are taking the pill, HRT or have a contraceptive device, then this can complicate things slightly, as we need to give HH time to balance your hormones first before coming off these. You need to give HH 6 weeks to do this.

I hope this helps to manage some expectations with HH. It really is a 3-cycle journey to begin to really see the changes it can make for you. The best results are from women who also follow the 8-Week Program, but you will get results regardless.

How long do you need to take HH?

Well, this depends on how many of the diet and lifestyle changes you make. Hormonal imbalance is not like an infection that will go away after treatment. It's a lifelong process you need to own and take responsibility for.

HH is here to help along with the 8-Week Program to teach you how to best lead your life. We give you all the tools. From there it's your decision.


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